Wednesday, February 25, 2009
This weekend shouldn't be too busy, although we have a party to go to Saturday night and we will probably go see a movie. I think we'll go see 'Coraline' which looks good. I can't think of what else is playing right now. We are super exicted about 'Watchmen' though and will be taking that day off, well, at least I'll be taking off from my day job. I have to work that night, so we're going to see the first matinee of the day. Other than that, not too much else. We're supposed to get 6 inches of snow tomorrow which seems ridiculous considering what a beautiful day it is today, but it happens. Josh said the squirrels figured out how to get into the other bird feeder. He hasn't been able to get a picture yet, but is going to keep trying. :p It definitely explains why there is so much bird seed on the ground, though. They climb the screen on the window and then jump onto it and hang because they're too big, so it tips and all the seed falls out. Apparently Uzi was going nuts watching this happen and while one squirrel did that, the other was fat and happy sitting in the other feeder. Little stinkers. It's too funny. We're going to have the most obese squirrels on the block. :p
Oooh - and as of a few minutes ago I'm getting a haircut on Friday... with another new person. The other girl I went to a few months ago isn't there anymore. Go figure. I miss Lisa Marie - she was awesome. Maybe I should schedule an appointment with her while we're in Durango in May! I might have the extra money to spend and it would be soooo worth it. I'll think about it. :p
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Starvation Heights

Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Mad Men

So I just started watching 'Mad Men' which airs on AMC (I just started watching the first season from Netflix) and I'm pretty hooked. For those of you not familiar with the show you can learn everything you could ever want to know (and more) on Wikipedia :
It takes place in the early 60's in New York at a prestigious advertising agency. This drama seems bent on showing the worst of everyone. So far in three episodes, it seems like no one is happy... most of the married men are having affairs, the wives are gossipy and unhappy in their loveless marriages, women in the office seem to think (and it was probably unfortunately true) that the only way to move ahead is to show off as much flesh as acceptable for the time, flirt with anyone (married men) and basically be easy if it means a promotion or possible marriage so you don't have to work anymore. Most of the characters I want to smack upside the head, so why am I so hooked on this show now!? Maybe it's this sick fascination watching all of this and wondering if that's how it actually was back then... granted, it's a drama and a televsion show, so you aren't getting a broad picture, but it would be nice and refreshing to see one or two characters that don't sleep around, and aren't lemmings, like perhaps one strong female character who realizes how demeaning it is to have men talk to her or about her likes she's a piece of meat and has some self-respect because so far none of them seem to. They're all bent on flirting and being catty and getting free meals out of men (married or not). Also, it would be nice to have a few male characters who don't all behave like horny bastards and treat every woman like they're there for one reason only. I'll watch the rest of the first season and see how it goes. Maybe the sick fascination will wear off the frustration will set in because I'm tired of seeing the worst of people represented.
Monday, February 2, 2009